One day, my best friend Rani asked me, “Bu, apa sih, komoditasnya Jombang?”
I said, “Apa ya…” cos I really don’t know the right answer.
She replied, “Ryan. Bayangkan, sekarang lingkungannya Ryan itu setiap hari ramai. Orang pada datang ke sana buat ngelihat rumah si Ryan. Lihat polisi ngaduk-aduk tempat yang katanya buat ngubur korban-korbannya Ryan. Gila kan???”
Gosh! Iya juga.
Then I imagine that ‘rumah Ryan’ will look like a playground. People sell everything there. Ice cream, candies, coloured and shaped baloon for kids, and lately, there are people who sell Ryan’s photographs. We can take the photograph home with 5000 rupiahs. That’s insane.
Can’t they imagine how hurt is the family of Ryan’s victim, or even Ryan’s family?
What’s wrong with this country? Cos it’s not only happen on Ryan’s case. I saw an accident once. Some people come to help but most of them just standing in the crowd and watching what happen in the TKP. Gila kan?
What for? Sekarang bayangin kalo kita adalah korban kecelakaan itu. How uncomfortable us, being the center of attention while we’re not in a good condition. Bleeding, tearing dress, hurt or even cry. Beda kan rasanya kalo jadi center of attention ketika kita well dressed, good make up, and keep the smile in our face.
Why don’t we go to Dufan or other playland or to a concert to watch the real entertainment. An accident is not an entertainment, hey! Come and help them instead of standing and watching them. Or if we don’t think that helping them is our cup of tea, get rid of that place. Kabur aja!! Pretend like you never there. Pray for the victim of anything is even better then watching and poor them.
If you want to entertain your self, do it right way. Jangan bersenang-senang di atas penderitaan orang lain. Gitu kalo gak salah, kata orang tua kita dulu. Kalo aku, mau bikin istilah sendiri. Like the title of this posting. Jangan berWISATA di atas BENCANA orang lain.
Terus.. gimana dong dengan orang yang berprofesi wartawan ato hobi fotografi?
Wartawan itu seperti mengais-ngais headline diatas penderitaan orang laen (bahkan berharap bencana bakal terjadi) mulai dari berita ekonomi, pembunuhan, kebakaran, hiburan, olahraga, otomotif,dsb.
Fotografer juga sama. Kadang penderitaan, kesedihan, kemarahan, dan semua hal yang mengandung perasaan negatif itu bisa menjadi obyek foto yang bagus.
dokter juga mengambil keuntungan dari orang yang sakit. tapi dia berusaha menyembuhkan.
ya karena a bad news is good news. hukum alam kan?
ya yang penting kalo buat jurnalis ya cover both side ya.
siap pak Dian…