why all the good guys are married??
if they’re not married, they’re gay!
if they’re not gay, they have no money
if they had enough money to buy anything, they are mommy’s lil boy
if their moms are great, they’re in love with other woman…
if they’re still single, they must be an idiot!!
saya iri dengan gambar pertama dan kelima, tapi gambar kedua dan ketiga kok so familiar ya..piye iki..glux..glux…glux….
semoga kita dijauhkan dari gambar nomer 3 dan nomer 6 yaaa…
i’m a good guy..
i’m not married..
i don’t have money..
and i’m an idiot…
Are you mommy’s little boy???
i do think so… but i’m broke…
so perfect huh.. 😀
Saya merasa tertohok *halah*
Bwakaka…. it’s funny…. It’s all about boyz, how about girls?
when a girl got too damn good she must be a single, be cause guyz will be too scared to even go near her. why? be cause actually.. guys are not that good in competition, and they got real big issues about ego and self esteem. that’s why. heheh..