Another bomb, another terror, another victim, another broken heart. Gosh!! I cried when I saw the terrorist bombed Marriot and Carlton on TV. How dare they did it again and again. I wonder if they had heart or not.
How many people has to die because of what the terrorist did, how many children left crying for their dying parents, how many wound this country has to face. My deep condolences for the family of the victim, for Indonesia and for the people who responsible for the bombing.
I remember one of Angelina Jolie’s movie. A Mighty Heart. After she watched her husband being brutally murdered by the terrorist, she just scream loudly, then said, “All the terrorist want is, terrorizing us. Just don’t give it to them. Don’t be frightened, don’t be afraid. Let’s do what we have to do. Keep moving.” Well, of course she didn’t precisely saying the same way, but more or less, it has some meaning.
And all I’m gonna say here is exactly the same. Don’t be frightened. Don’t point on somebody else’s face. Cos once we judge some religions, community, person or other country responsible for it, that’s the time their mission accomplished.
What can we do now? Simply forgive them. They have family, they have God in which they believe in. And don’t forget that they’re gonna die one day. They will be judge by whatever they did here in this world. Right in time.
Agree, don’t give what they want!!!
we will not go down…Indonesia United…
no places 4 terorism…kill them!
zen, if we kill them, we’re not much different with them, darling…
kacrut, akur kan???
sebetulnya teroris itu kecele banget, ternyata kita-kita tidak merasa terteror oleh ulah mereka. justru kita kasihan kepada mereka, menyia2kan usia muda yg katanya akan masuk surga.
*surga dari hongkong?*
teror memang keji…
tapi atasi teror dgn cerdik…
jangan biarkan teroris menang…
waduh bagus banget tuh film angelina jolie…setuju dengan paragrap bagian terakhir ! thanks ya
– guskar: hahaha… surganya bikin sendiri kali
– acha: setuju sama acha
– angga: siap ngga! semua sebab ada akibatnya!
miris liat aksi bom bunuh diri
di dunia matinya mengenaskan, tubuhnya hancur lebur
gimana di akhirat nanti ya… hiiiiiiii serem
benciiiiiiiiiii ama teroris2 sialan itu. huh!
gak tau gimana sebenernya dasar mereka melakukan bombing di negeri ini.
kalo mau jihad, kenapa gak gabung ke MILF di filipina, atau balik lagi ke afgan atau gaza???
yang pasti gara2 bom ini (ambil dari iklan TRI)…
INI BUDI (good)
MANU TAKUT DENGAN BOM (setan kok takut bom)
waaahh setuju tuh ama usulnya dyermaker…siiip
eh sedikit nambahin….
MILF di sini bukan Mother that I Like to F*** yaa…. 😀
tapi Moro Islamic Liberty Federation
Salam Cinta Damai dan Kasih Sayang ‘tuk Sahabatku
Teroris yang keji
harus kita lawan tanpa henti
dengan kewaspadaan diri
dan kebersamaan aksi
– linda: pasti lebih ancur, hehe
– dyer: nggak usah diterangin deeeehhh
– akang: salam cinta damai juga
– alam: asal jangan gantian neror ya mas… 😉
kenapa iNdonesia???!!!! 🙁
btw.. filmnya angelina jolie itu juga kisah nyata da…
dan jangan pernah membawa sebuah agama buat tindakan yang sudah pasti tidak ada satupun agama merestuinya…
Waaakaakakakak.. benerrrr.. agama adalah jalan hidup masalah hati nurani..
yang penting piss! eps sori, barusan aja aku baru ngbom.. bau ya? 😛
ya bu, kita pasti pernah (walau sedikit) takut, tapi ketakutan itu toh nggak boleh dibiarkan berkembang dan menguasai diri kita…
– chie: lagi dikasih ujian aja say…
– nat & akang: akur!!! setuju!!
– arc: aaaaa….. bauuuu
– yoan: berarti, kita lawan ketakutan itu ya dear..
Forgive them might be the best shot right to their head.