It was Thursday, 23th of July 2009. Caesar cafe, 4 pm onward. I was with more than 100 gorgeous women from all over Jogja. They’re all well dressed in flowery motion. Red, blue, green, yellow, black, white… so colorful, so flowery.
Look at those pretty women. Aren’t they beautiful?
They spent the whole evening with FeMale Radio Jogja crew. Doing the salsa with Mr. Jerry, singing some accoustic songs with mas Paksi and friends of Jasmine, playing some games with Icha and Felix.
We also talked about the girl stuff. Munching snacks day to day, can’t stop diggesting food in our mouth and all that. The good news is… We can still do the munching and diggesting thing without scared of being fat, girls… Just grab a stick of Soyjoy and diggest it anytime. Yumm…
Who’s going to join on our next event??
yo wis…komenlah….:D
pengen liat dian menari salsa?? wekekekek….
senam di lingkungan RT aja kaku…:D
piss coy..
Salam Cinta Damai dan Kasih Sayang ‘tuk sahabatku
wah kayaknya seru dan heboh nih…kerenn
Wah tampaknya seru.. apalagi ada salsanya.. 🙂
ooh kirain apa…hanya arisan toh….wakakak ! thanks
ih akuh akhirnya belum pernah juga ikutan arisan female 🙁
wuiiiiiiiiiih rame banget mb
pasti seru ya mb, apalagi kalo sambil ngerajut 😀
When you mentioned Salsa, I just remember Vina Melinda who like this dance. He..he..he. No dangdhut dance Dian ?
Pasti seruuu…salam kawan!
mbak, caesar cafe itu di mana ya…
perkembangan kota ini kok demikian pesat aja.. dulu taunya (belasan taun lalu) crazy horse aja..
hmmmmmmm, siiip deh….sukses selalu embak….heheehhe
pengen ikutans…tapi gak bisa…hiks..
mb, link mu tak templekke nang blog ku yow..ben gampang neh meh moco..hehehhe 🙂
Photografer By Bram Antareja
pertama tahu blog ini dari kang boed
salam kenal
siap mas bram… maaf lupa nulis
celoteh, salam kenal juga
yessi… kapan dong???
guskar, di amplaz sayang… crazy horse? hahahaha
din, nesok lagi kalo kamu ke caesar, Guskar diajak lho hehehe
ngesakke kui, crazy horse gitu…itu tempat dugem paling sip di jogja tahum 90-an. piss, ya Gus.